PBMT refers to light energy that stimulates cell function, that results in beneficial therapeutic outcomes. The primary target is the mitochondria, specifically Cytochrome C Oxidase which drives cellular metabolism.
The Cellular Effects (1,2,3,4)
1 – ATP - The absorption of light energy stimulates the Cytochrome C Oxidase and leads to the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Cytochrome C is a vital component of the mitochondria that drives cellular metabolism. The increase in ATP production accelerates the function and repair processes of the cell
2 – Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) – Research suggests that PBMT can modulate ROS in cells and tissue. ROS have been shown to affect many important physiological signaling pathways including the inflammatory response. The production of these signaling molecules has been shown to induce growth factor production, increase cell proliferation and motility, and to promote extracellular matrix deposition and pro-survival pathways
3 – Nitric Oxide –Nitric oxide passes out of the cell and acts as a vasodilator, encouraging blood flow into the surrounding areas. This extra blood flow into the damaged tissue delivers oxygen, vital sugars, proteins and salts and removes waste products, all of which accelerate cellular reproduction and growth, thereby aiding the healing process.
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